Worship Assistants

Worship Teams and Team Leaders

Click here to sign up for Ushering or to be a Lector

  • Acolyte (Donna George)

Carry the processional cross, light the candles, assist in the sacraments.  Only requirements are that a young person have a desire to serve and are physically big enough to carry the cross.

  • Altar Guild (Pastor Neel)

Altar Guild is a ministry of quiet, behind the scenes work that is a critical act of service to the church. Altar guild members set up for our services after receiving instruction in names and purposes of linens and vessels, proper storage, removal and cleansing, liturgical colors and seasons, worship candles, and more. If you are interested in joining this team, please contact the church office.

  • Assisting Ministers ()

Lead the liturgy in song and/or work during services with Holy Communion.

  • Lectors ()

Read the scriptures during worship service.

  • Church Time Nursery (Linda Trigiani)

Help to care for pre-school children during the worship services.

  • Coffee Hour (David Abel)

Help with setting up and cleaning up fellowship times.

  • Audio/Video Ministry (Warren Rute)

Staff the audio/video booth during worship, and assist with maintenance and updates of sound equipment.

  • Usher Team (Ed Schaeffer)

Hand out bulletins, collect offering, direct communion and care for the needs of worshipers.

If you are unable to serve for your assigned time, please arrange for a substitute and notify the church office or contact your worship team leader.